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Our customer service is at your complete disposal.

Contact us

How can I contact Peck?

You can find the phone number and the address of the sales points and restaurants in Milan and Abroad in the page Where we are. To leave a message, go to the Contacts page.

What are the opening hours of Peck’s sales points and restaurants?

You can see the opening hours in the pages Milan and Abroad.

How can I reserve a table at Ristorante Al Peck?

You can call the number +39 028023161 to book a table, or leave a message in the Contacts page. For further information see the page Ristorante Al Peck.

How can I receive information about your news and events?

In order to stay updated on Peck’s activities, sign up to our newsletter on the bottom of every page of our website.

Is Peck available to organize an event?

Yes, a catering and events service is available to meet different needs. For further information see the page Banqueting or leave a message in the Contacts page.

Do you have a home delivery service?

Yes, a home delivery service of fresh products, deli and ready-made dishes is available. For information see the page Peck home delivery or leave a message in the Contacts page.

Has Peck a wine shop?

Yes, the wine shop is in the basement of the shop in Via Spadari 9. Almost every product available in the wine shop can be purchased in the online wine cellar. For further information see the page The great wine cellar, for the opening hours see the page Where we are. For further information call the number +39 028023161 or leave a message in the Contacts page.

Can I buy gift vouchers to be used in your sales points?

Yes, you can purchase gift vouchers to be used only at Peck shop and wine shop in via Spadari 9. You can call the number +39 028023161 or leave a message in the Contacts page.

I am a journalist, how can I get information about Peck’s activities?

Go to the Press Area to view and download our contents, or contact us by calling the number +39 028023161 or leaving a message in the Contacts page.

How can I purchase Peck products in the online shop?

You need to register to make a purchase. Please click on the User icon at the top right and enter your details to sign up; if you’ve already registered you just need to sign in with your credentials. Once the form is filled in, a confirmation email will be sent to the address you specified. Now you can add products to your cart or to your Wishlist from the online shop and wine cellar. Products availability can vary according to the shipping place you have selected at the top right, but you can view all our products by selecting Milan as delivery place. 

I cannot find a product, what can I do?

To search a product, click on the magnifying lens at the top right and enter the name of the product you’re looking for. Temporarily a selection of the range available in our shop of Via Spadari, but our customer service is available to fulfill every desire of yours at the number +39 028023161. Otherwise, send us a request and we will consider integrating your favourite products.

Why does my cart turn empty if I change the delivery place?

Some products may be unavailable for the shipping place selected, due to their fragility or freshness, or for customs issues. Our customer service is available to meet particular needs on +39 028023161.

Is there a minimum order amount for online purchases?

No, there is no minimum order amount.

What are shipping time and prices?

Once the order is completed, your pack will be handed to an express courier within 24-48 hours. You will be able to view the shipping status of your order through a tracking link in your user page. In case of need our courier may contact you on the telephone number you specified. Shipping costs vary according to the delivery place and can be viewed in your cart while you choose the products.

What payment method can I use?

Payment methods available are credit card and PayPal.

Can I modify or cancel a completed order?

Once completed, the order cannot be modified or canceled. In case of necessity, please contact immediately our customer service by calling +39 028023161 or by sending a message on the Contacts page.

Can I receive an invoice?

Certainly: after completing your cart you can request the invoice during the checkout by flagging “Request invoice”. Invoice issuing is available only for natural and legal persons in Italy. Outside Italy, we only accept orders from natural persons.

What happens if some ordered products are unavailable?

If regrettably the products you chose are unavailable, our customer service will contact you to replace the item with a similar one; if you’re not satisfied you can ask for a partial or total refund of the order.

What do I have to do if I receive a damaged pack or damaged products?

If you realize that your pack has been damaged or tampered or if the products are damaged or missing, please contact our customer service promptly by calling +39 028023161 or by sending a message in the Contacts page.

What do I have to do if I’m not satisfied with a product?

If you’re not happy with a product, please call promptly our customer service on +39 028023161 or send a message in the Contacts page. Any return request should be sent within 14 days from the goods delivery date.

Didn’t you find what you are looking for?

We are available for any further question. Please call the number +39 028023161 or send a message in the Contacts page.